Courses & Events
2006 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries
Apr 4, 2006 - Jun 6, 2006
04:30 pm - 05:50 pm
April 4th through June 6th, 2006
Every Tuesday, 4:15 – 5:30 pm
Open to Public
Stanford University, Skilling Auditorium
Instructor: Richard Dasher <rdasher at stanford dot edu>
Date Speaker Title Slides
4/04 Richard Dasher, Director, US-Asia Technology Management Center Asia Entrepreneurship Update Slides
4/11 Shin-Huang Chen
Executive Director,
Strategy and Business Development,
Staples Commerce and Trade Co. Ltd (China)From to Staples:
The Americanization of a Shanghai Start-upSlides
4/18 John Grow
Object Innovation, Inc.Bridge Gate: An American Startup in Japan Slides
4/25 Panel Session:
Dr. Yoshitaka Yoneyama
Astellas Venture Management LLC
Mr. Hiro Matsubara
Bio & New Materials Dept.
Marubeni America Corp.
Dr. Takashi Kido
Visiting Scholar,
Stanford Unviersity
Former VP,
HuBit Genomix Corp., TokyoBiotech Opportunities for Start-up Firms in Japan and Asia Slides
5/02 Bye Week
5/09 K. Rajesh Rao
Dhruva InteractiveDHRUVA: Chasing the Indian Dream and Getting the Middle Class to Game! Slides
5/16 Panel Session:
Mr. Peter Chu
Managing Partner,
Asia Tech Ventures
Mr. Jim Huang
Overseas Representative
Hong KOng Science & Tech. Parks
Mr. Eric Klee
ChampionScott PartnersRegional COmpetition in China:
Opportunities for EntrepreneursSlides
5/23 Dr. Roy CHua
Co-Founder & VP of Marketing,
Identify EnginesHigh-Tech Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Asia, or When Can I Go Home? Slides
5/30 Kevin Lee
Chief Executive Director,
iPark Silicon ValleyOpportunities Within the Korean IT Industry in the Age of Digital Convergence Slides
6/04 Dr. Nicky Lu
Founder, President, CEO, and Chairman
Etron Technology, Inc.Entrepreneurial Experiences in Asian IC Industry - from Stanford Alumnus Slides