AI Startups in South Korea


Courses & Events

AI Startups in South Korea

Tuesday, Apr 30, 2024

04:30 pm - 05:50 pm

Predicting the Future and Making Better Decisions with AI: Korean AI startups and Impact AI’s Asset Allocation Model


Please join us for our 2024 Spring seminar series on “Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries.” Each year, this series surveys the most recent trends, patterns, and challenges of entrepreneurship in Asia and their relevance to Silicon Valley and the U.S.

On April 30th Impact AI Co.,Ltd.‘s CEO Dr. Sung-Hyuk Park joins Richard B. Dasher at Stanford University to discuss the development of AI in Korea. We’ll hear Dr. Park’s impression on the growth of AI and AI-related startups, and the commercialization of startup companies from top universities in the region.

Our seminars are being offered in a hybrid format. 

To attend in-person, please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ai-startups-in-south-korea-tickets-862636929277.

To attend by Zoom, please register at https://stanford.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsf-GrpjsjG9E0Dn6064S7fgf6zPDLT6So. This will register your for the entire series. You may cancel at anytime.



  • Stanford University, Bishop Auditorium, 518 Memorial Way, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]

Parking options:

  • Memorial Way, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]
  • Lasuen St. and Roth Way, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]
  • Please check parking signs carefully to ensure that permitted parking (A or C) and metered spaces are free after 4:00 pm. Paid parking is enforced around The Oval until 6:00 pm.

Session Recordings are typically posted within 3 business days after each session on our Youtube Channel and the course page here.


Dr. Sung-Hyuk Park

CEO and Founder, Impact AI & Assistant Professor, KAIST College of Business

Sung-Hyuk Park is an assistant professor in the department of management engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He received a B.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from KAIST and a Ph.D. in Management Engineering from the KAIST College of Business. His research interests include business analytics, recommender systems, and artificial intelligence. His papers have been published or accepted in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, and International Journal of Electronic Commerce, among others.

He is also a serial entrepreneur who founded a personalized service provider and successfully sold the company through M&A in the IT market. He recently established Impact AI, a new AI company to provide future prediction based optimization services. His challenge continues to leverage AI to help market professionals address their global asset allocation and portfolio optimization.


Seminar Slides

Slides from the seminar are available in a variety of formats for you to download. Click the links below to open or download the slide files.


Seminar Video