Japan’s Innovation Ecosystem: Current Trends and Outlook for 2019


Courses & Events

Japan’s Innovation Ecosystem: Current Trends and Outlook for 2019

Tuesday, Apr 2, 2019

04:30 pm - 05:50 pm

Open to the public at no charge.  Stanford students may register for 1-unit seminar credit; course EASTASN-402T, cross listed as EE-402T and EALC-402T.



Stanford University, Skilling Auditorium,
494 Lomita Mall, Stanford, CA 94305
[Google Map]


  • Via Ortega Garage, 498 Via Ortega, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]
  • Roble Field Garage, Cross street is Via Ortega and Santa Teresa (Entrance is on Via Ortega), Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]
  • Please check parking signs carefully to ensure that permitted parking and metered spaces are free after 4:00 pm.


Tim Romero

Host, Disrupting Japan & CTO, TEPCO Ventures

CTO |  TEPCO Ventures

Tim Romero is a Tokyo-based entrepreneur, podcaster and author who has started four companies and led Japan market entry for others since coming to Japan more than 25 years ago. Tim hosts the Disrupting Japan podcast, teaches corporate innovation and entrepreneurship at the NYU Shinagawa campus and is CTO of TEPCO Ventures. Tim is deeply involved in Japan’s startup community as an investor, founder and mentor. 


Seminar Slides

Slides from the seminar are available in a variety of formats for you to download. Click the links below to open or download the slide files.


Seminar Video