Innovation and Competitiveness: Perspectives from Asia

Courses & Events

Innovation and Competitiveness: Perspectives from Asia

The course explores the determinants of competitiveness from a bottom-up perspective. In other words, it probes the productivity and innovation potential of locations (nations, states, or cities) as rooted in the strategies and operating practices of locally-based firms, the vitality of agglomerations and clusters, and the quality of the business environment in which the enterprise action takes place. Drawing heavily from examples in Asian countries, the course examines both advanced and developing economies and addresses the competitiveness of nations, sub-national units such as states or provinces, and particular industrial agglomerations. The course also examines the role that coordination among countries plays in competitiveness. Consequently, the course is concerned not only with government policy but also with recent shifts in the dynamic interaction between policy and the roles that firms, industry associations, universities, and other institutions play in competitiveness and innovation, examining these topics both from theoretical and from practical perspectives.


Instructor: Dr. Amit Kapoor, Honorary Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness, India

This course is listed as EASTASN 181A/281A.