#TheIndiaDialog Conversation: The Indian Innovation Ecosystem and its Silicon Valley Ties


Courses & Events

#TheIndiaDialog Conversation: The Indian Innovation Ecosystem and its Silicon Valley Ties

Thursday, Oct 26, 2023

08:00 am - 09:00 am

Monthly online seminar series hosted by US-ATMC Director Dr. Richard Dasher and the Institute for Competitiveness’ Honorary Chairman Dr. Amit Kapoor. Guest speakers are invited to share their perspective on India’s development and its challenges. This series is a continuation of The India Dialog summit, an annual conference that addresses the transformations of India’s economic and social landscape. Visit our India Dialog page for more information.



Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_l6v-ldmJRTqpNVsZ5qCHqA#/registration

This will register you for the entire monthly series and the same link will be used for all sessions. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting series. You may cancel at anytime.


Dr. Sean Randolph

Senior Director, Bay Area Council Economic Institute

Sean Randolph is Senior Director of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, a public-private partnership of business, labor, government and higher education that works to foster a competitive economy in California and the San Francisco Bay Area, including San Francisco, Oakland and Silicon Valley. The Economic Institute produces authoritative analyses on economic policy issues affecting the region and the state, including infrastructure, globalization, energy, science, and governance, and mobilizes California and Bay Area leaders around targeted policy initiatives. Dr. Randolph previously served as President & CEO of the Bay Area Economic Forum, which merged with the Bay Area Council in January 2008, and as director of international trade for the State of California, where he developed trade strategy and directed international business programs to stimulate exports and introduce California companies to overseas markets. Before service with the state, he was Managing Director of the RSR Pacific Group, an international business consulting firm specializing in Asia and Latin America, and before that served as International Director General of the Pacific Basin Economic Council, a 15-nation international organization of leading U.S., Asian and Latin American corporations. His professional career includes extensive experience in the U.S. Government, including the U.S. Congress staff, and the White House staff. From 1981–85 he served in the U.S. State Department, as officer for Asia on the Policy Planning Staff, as Special Adviser for Policy in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and as Deputy/Ambassador-at Large for Pacific Basin affairs. From 1985–88 he served as U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy for International Affairs, managing nuclear non-proliferation, energy research, and global oil and gas issues. Dr. Randolph holds a JD from the Georgetown University Law Center, a Ph.D. from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts and Harvard Universities), a B.S.F.S. from Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service, and studied at the London School of Economics. He currently serves on the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), which he chaired from 2005–2012, and on the State of California’s Public Infrastructure Advisory Commission (PIAC). He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar Association, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Pacific Council on International Policy, and serves on the Advisory Board of the University of San Francisco Center for the Pacific Rim, and the President’s Advisory Council of Excelsior College (New York). Dr. Randolph speaks frequently before business, government and university audiences, and writes for U.S. and international media on global, national, state and regional economic and policy issues.


Seminar Video