Courses & Events
Tencent: The Story from the Start-Up Phase to the Present
Thursday, Sep 29, 2011
04:15 pm - 05:30 pm
Mr. David Wallerstein, Senior Vice President International at Tencent Holdings, Ltd.
David Wallerstein, Senior Exec. VP International of Tencent, opens the US-Asia Technology Management Center’s autumn weekly seminars on “Mobile Internet Technologies and Businesses in Asia” with a keynote discussion of Tencent’s rapid growth over the past 12 years until the present. What were the challenges faced by this China-based Internet company in growing from founder stage to over 15,000 employees? How did the Chinese environment make those challenges unique? How did Tencent create a “platform strategy” from its initial instant messaging service focus? And of course, what is Tencent doing now, in China and across Asia? A U.S. native with 20 years of experience living and working in China and Japan, Mr. Wallerstein has worked with Tencent since 2000, joining the executive team in 2001. Prior to joining Tencent, he was Vice President, Business Development of MIH Asia, overseeing MIH’s entry strategy into China’s Internet sector. Before MIH, Mr. Wallerstein was a management consultant based in Shanghai and Beijing, working primarily with Fortune 500 companies. He is fluent in Mandarin and Japanese.
Skilling Auditorium
Stanford University
Thursday, September 29, 2011
4:15PM ~ 5:30PM
Stanford University
With support from Altus Technologies and Olympus Corporation
Thursdays, 4:15 – 5:30 pm, September 29, 2011 – December 8, 2011
Free to the Public
Stanford University, Skilling Auditorium (Directions »)