Regional Aspects of Mobile Health

Courses & Events

Regional Aspects of Mobile Health

Thursday, Oct 6, 2011

04:15 pm - 05:30 pm

Dr. Geetha Rao, Vice President Strategy & Risk Management at Triple Ring Technologies, Inc.

Mobile technologies hold out the promise of large-scale, low-cost, and effective delivery of healthcare and have been embraced globally.  These technologies are attempting to address a range of issues and there is considerable variation in the focus of their deployment in various parts of the world.  The presentation will take a look at how regions in Asia, Latin America, Russia, Europe, and the US are introducing mobile technologies in healthcare and the implications for entrepreneurs everywhere.

Dr. Geetha Rao, VP Strategy/Risk Management at Triple Ring Technologies, Inc., has 25 years’ experience with high-risk technologies, as an advisor and interim executive to medical device, biotechnology and other life-sciences enterprises with a focus on emerging business challenges and operational excellence that meets best-in-class, international standards and regulatory requirements.

She is an internationally recognized expert in risk management and liability, an invited expert to regulatory agencies, including the FDA, and she has served on ISO and IEC standards committees for quality management and risk management for medical devices and IT networks incorporating medical devices.

Dr. Rao chairs the ASQ Biomedical Division’s Northern California Discussion Group and also the Life Sciences Program Committee for Astia, an organization that supports women-founded and women-led start-ups.  She chairs the MIT/Stanford Venture Lab’s Emerging Business Track for Life Sciences, and she has been guest faculty in Stanford University’s Biodesign Innovation Program.

Dr. Rao is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and she holds a doctorate from MIT and a master’s degree from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.  She has held Professional Engineer licenses in Civil and Mechanical Engineering in the State of California.

Stanford University
Thursday, October 6, 2011
4:15PM ~ 5:30PM
Stanford University
Skilling Auditorium

With support from Altus Technologies and Olympus Corporation


Thursdays, 4:15 – 5:30 pm, September 29, 2011 – December 8, 2011
Free to the Public
Stanford University, Skilling Auditorium (Directions »)