Green Transportation in Japan: an up-to-date view of policies and example

Courses & Events

Green Transportation in Japan: an up-to-date view of policies and example

Thursday, Oct 11, 2012

04:15 pm - 05:30 pm

Speaker: Mr. Osamu Onodera, Chief Representative of the Silicon Valley Office, NEDO Japan

Mr. Osamu Onodera, Chief Representative of the Silicon Valley Office, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO / Japan), discusses recent developments and examples of electric vehicles (EV) and fuel cell vehicles (FCV) and policies in Japan, as well as U.S. – Japan collaborative demonstration projects undertaken by NEDO in Hawaii and in Malaga, Spain.

NEDO is a government-related R&D management organization under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METI) in Japan.  With a yearly budget of about US$1.9 billion, NEDO is in charge of funding R&D projects in new energy, energy efficiency, smart grids, and other industrial technologies, including biotech, IT, and nanotechnology.

As chief representative in Silicon Valley, Mr. Onodera represents NEDO across the western half of the U.S. He is also closely involved with NEDO smart grid projects in Maui and New Mexico.  Previously, as a Director in METI, he was responsible for bilateral and multilateral international issues in energy conservation and renewable energy development, including U.S. – Japan cooperation in clean energy and smart grids. He has also been involved in IPEEC and IRENA, two major multilateral initiatives in this area.  Mr. Onodera holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a B.A. from the University of Tokyo.

Immediately following the session, we’ll have a short-networking reception from 5:30 – 6:15PM.

This is the second session in a nine week seminar series on “Green Technologies in Transportation: Recent Developments from Asia.”

Stanford University * Gates Building, Room B1 Hewlett Packard Auditorium
Thursday, October 11, 2012
4:15PM ~ 5:30PM

With support from The Miner Foundation and SunBridge Partners