CEPT: A Startup Company’s Solution for Desulfurization and CCS in China


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CEPT: A Startup Company’s Solution for Desulfurization and CCS in China

Thursday, Dec 1, 2016

04:15 pm - 05:30 pm

CEPT: A Startup Company’s Solution for Desulfurization and CCS in China



SiGan PengScreen Shot 2016-10-28 at 10.56.24 AM
CEO, Clean Energy Project Tech Inc. (CEPT) and Zero Carbon Energy Innovation Union (ZCEIU)

Founded in 1994, the Clean Energy Project Tech Inc. (CEPT) was the first enterprise group in China to specialize in fossil energy air pollution control and emission reduction.  CEPT’s system offers an alternative to more expensive and energy-intensive refining of bunker fuels.

At CEPT, Mr. Peng helped develop a new, proprietary system that uses natural seawater (NSW) scrubbing for flue gas desulfurization (FGD) for coal-fired electric power plants in China.  With the CEPT system in place, the Houshi power plant of Zhangzhou (Fujian Province), a 6000 MW complex, was elected the first “National Environmentally Friendly Engineering” project in China in 2006. Similar systems are now in over 40 power plants in China.

In 2009, Mr. Peng created the California company, Marine ProTech, to commercialize the new NSW FGD system for the worldwide shipping industry.  Their marine systems have been implemented in successful field trials on cargo ships and are currently undergoing final adjustments for commercial use.

In 2015, Mr. Peng organized the Zero Carbon Energy Innovation Union (ZCEIU) in California, which aims to further promote NSW for carbon reduction, namely Ocean-based Carbon Capture and Storage.


Additional financial support of this series from the The Miner Foundation

Stanford University | Skilling Auditorium
494 Lomita Mall • Stanford, CA
Thursday, December 1, 2016 • 4:30-5:50PM