AI in Smart Physical Systems: Recent Developments in Asia


Courses & Events

AI in Smart Physical Systems: Recent Developments in Asia

Thursday, Sep 27, 2018

04:30 pm - 05:50 pm



Stanford University, Skilling Auditorium, 494 Lomita Mall, Stanford, CA 94305
[Google Map]


Via Ortega Garage, 498 Via Ortega, Stanford, CA 94305
[Google Map]

Roble Field Garage
Cross street is Via Ortega and Santa Teresa (Entrance is on Via Ortega), Stanford, CA 94305
[Google Map]

Please check parking signs carefully to ensure that permitted parking and metered spaces are free after 4:00 pm.

** Stanford students: Register for EASTASN 402A, one-unit seminar, pass-no credit; open to all majors with no prerequisites (cross listed as EE 402A or EALC 402A).


Professor Richard Dasher

Director, US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University

Professor Richard Dasher has directed the US-ATMC since 1994. He serves on advisory and review boards of major government S&T funding programs and research institutes in Canada, Japan, and Thailand. He is an advisor to incubators, VC funds, innovation initiatives, and startup companies in China, Japan, S. Korea, and Silicon Valley.  Prof. Dasher is the first non-Japanese person ever named to the senior governance of a Japanese national university, serving a term on the Board of Directors of Tohoku University.


Seminar Slides

Slides from the seminar are available in a variety of formats for you to download. Click the links below to open or download the slide files.