Direct Air Capture (DAC) and Storage of CO2


Courses & Events

Direct Air Capture (DAC) and Storage of CO2

Thursday, Oct 27, 2022

05:30 pm - 07:00 pm

Our panelists, SiGan Peng, President & CEO of CEPT, and Jerry Zhao, CEO of ZCEIU, join US-ATMC Director Dr. Richard Dasher in a discussion of CEPT’s track record and distinctive approach to direct carbon capture and storage.  The company began by scrubbing  the emissions of coal-fired power plants to remove sulfur and nitrogen compounds and then expanded to applying similar technologies in the shipping industry. Next they developed a carbon capture storage (CCS) system for carbon dioxide from emissions of power plants that aimed to make existing energy production from fossil fuel to be carbon neutral.  More recently, ZCEIU has developed a distinctive approach for direct air capture (DAC) of carbon from the atmosphere and storing the CO2.  Learn how their technology is being used to combat climate change, their business model and how they plan to expand their technology to other parts of the world.

The series begins September 29, 2022 and continues weekly until December 1, 2022. Seminars will be held Thursdays, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM.

Instructor: Richard Dasher <rdasher [at] stanford [dot] edu>

The series is available to Stanford students for credit; register for EASTASN 402A “Topics in International Technology Management,” also cross-listed as EE-402A and EALC-402A, 1 unit S/NC.


Our seminars are being offered in a hybrid format.

To attend online, please register in advance for the entire series at <https://stanford.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rd–vqzkvGdAJZ5KIFXD116WMknMIg-Z5>.  The same link will be used for all sessions.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting series.

To attend in-person, please register in advance at <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/direct-carbon-capture-and-storage-tickets-443739234997>.  Public is welcome on a first come, first served basis.


  • Stanford University, Paul G. Allen Building, Allen 101X Auditorium, 330 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]

Parking options:

  • Via Ortega Garage, 498 Via Ortega, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]
  • Parking Structure 5, 295 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]
  • Please check parking signs carefully to ensure that permitted parking and metered spaces are free after 4:00 pm.

Session Recordings are typically posted within 3 business days after each session.


SiGan Peng

President & CEO, China Environmental Project Technology Inc. (CEPT)

From 1982 to 1993, Mr. SiGan Peng engaged in thermal power plant and nuclear power station process design and environmental strategy (organized directly under the Ministry of Energy of China) as a Senior Engineer. In 1994, Mr. Peng founded China’s first thermal power atmospheric sulfur emission control technology company (private) – CEPT – that developed a natural sea water (NSW) washing technology and system, which is more efficient and lower consumption than traditional chemical processes.  It was used in China’s national demonstration projects and at dozens of coastal coal-fired power plants, and has become various countries’ first choice of technology in the industry.

In 2008, CEPT entered the field of atmospheric sulfur emission control technology for marine shipping, and successfully developed the world’s first flue-gas desulfurization (FDG)/exhaust gas cleaning (EGC) only use Natural Sea Water method for ships that complies with IMO and EPA standards. At the same time, MarineProTech (MPT) US and UK companies were established.

After 2015, with the transformation of atmospheric carbon emission control technology, the U.S. MPT company changed its name to Zero Carbon Energy Innovation Alliance (ZCEIU), and developed marine carbon capture and storage technology that only uses seawater (zero artificial chemicals), including Direct Atmospheric Capture DAC. In 2019, the Singapore CEPT company was established.

In 2022, CEPT developed a new blue carbon solution for Direct Atmospheric Capture and Ocean Storage (DACOS), and proposed a new business model driven by the new carbon reduction policy.

Jerry Zhao

CEO, Zero Carbon Energy Innovation Union Inc. (ZCEIU, U.S.)

Mr. Jerry Zhao has over 20 years of experience in China working for Telecom, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Ernst & Young Advisory, and as a senior consultant and manager for corporate management consulting and strategy design, where he worked with Fortune 500 multinational companies.  From 2012, Mr. Zhao took part in environmental policy research, helped develop exhaust gas cleaning technology for marine ships, and carbon capture and storage technology for ZCEIU and CEPT.


Seminar Slides

Slides from the seminar are available in a variety of formats for you to download. Click the links below to open or download the slide files.


Seminar Video