Singapore’s Multi-Stakeholder Approach to AI Governance


Courses & Events

Singapore’s Multi-Stakeholder Approach to AI Governance

Tuesday, Oct 3, 2023

04:30 pm - 05:50 pm

Our flagship autumn Seminar Series on International Technology Management in 2023 will examine ways in which new digital technologies, business models, and data governance frameworks are addressing problems and opportunities at the interface between the digital economy and the external world, with special attention to new patterns of competition and cooperation between Asia and the U.S.

Denise Wong, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Data Innovation & Protection Group, Singapore Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) will share how Singapore engages industry to co-create key AI governance initiatives that are useful and implementable. These initiatives include Singapore’s Model AI Governance Framework and AI Verify, an open source AI governance testing framework and software toolkit. She will also share Singapore’s perspective on governing generative AI.

This seminar is produced by the US-ATMC in collaboration with
Singapore Global Network (SGN) and
the Singapore Infocomm Media Development Authority

The Singapore Global Network (SGN) warmly invites you to be a part of our vibrant global community of family, friends and fans of Singapore.
Please visit <http://go.gov.sg/sgnmember> for more information.


The series begins September 2023 and continues weekly until December 2023. Seminars will be held on Tuesdays, 4:30 PM – 5:50 PM.

Instructor: Richard Dasher <rdasher [at] stanford [dot] edu>

The series is available to Stanford students for credit; register for EASTASN 402A “Topics in International Technology Management,” also cross-listed as EE-402A and EALC-402A, 1 unit S/NC. 


This program will be in-person, however, our guest speaker will be on Zoom and moderator Prof. Richard Dasher will be there in-person.

To attend by Zoom, please register at <https://stanford.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsfu-vrTojEt0K8gkVqvxx0lGZwR8BF51i>. This will register you for the entire series and the same link will be used for all sessions. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting series. You may cancel at anytime.

To attend in-person, please register at <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/denise-wong-data-innovation-protection-tickets-727117627397>.



  • Stanford University, Paul G. Allen Building, Allen 101X Auditorium, 330 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]

Parking options:

  • Via Ortega Garage, 498 Via Ortega, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]
  • Parking Structure 5, 295 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]
  • Please check parking signs carefully to ensure that permitted parking and metered spaces are free after 4:00 pm.

Session Recordings are typically posted within 3 business days after each session on our Youtube Channel and the course page here.


Denise Wong

Assistant Chief Executive, Data Innovation & Protection Group, Singapore Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

Denise is presently the Assistant Chief Executive (DIPG). Her scope of work includes developing forward-thinking governance on AI and data, driving a pipeline of AI talent, promoting industry adoption of AI and data analytics, as well as building specific AI and data science capabilities in Singapore.

Denise concurrently holds the appointment of Deputy Commissioner of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC), and oversees the administration and enforcement of the Personal Data Protection Act (2012). Her key responsibilities include managing the formulation and implementation of policies relating to the protection of personal data, as well as the issuing of enforcement directions for organisational actions.

Denise joined IMDA on 1 September 2021 as Cluster Director of the Strategic Policy and Operations Cluster. She led a team to bring legislative amendments through Parliament to tackle online harms on social media, and subsequently set up the Online Communications Office to regulate social media platforms. Denise also oversaw teams that regulate against misinformation in the online space and scams perpetrated through the telecom networks.

Earlier in her career, Denise was a Justices’ Law Clerk and Assistant Registrar at the Supreme Court of Singapore before joining the Attorney-General’s Chambers Civil Division as State Counsel.


Seminar Video