Courses & Events
Here you can find a chronological listing of all of our past public seminars and events. For future and upcoming events, please visit the Upcoming Page under Courses and Events.
Differences in R&D Management and Growth of Innovative Japanese Firms
Guest speaker: Galina Besstremyannaya, Associate Professor of Faculty of Economic Sciences / Department of Applied Economics and Senior Research Fellow of Faculty…
Innovation Salon: Robots Won’t Save Japan – An interview with author James Wright
**Zoom-only program** Registration: In 2014, Japan’s METI estimated that Japanese nursing care robots would grow to ¥391 billion by 2025. That same year, SoftBank…
2023 | #TheIndiaDialog Conversation
#TheIndiaDialog Conversation: An Indian Pathway to Shared, Sustainable Prosperity
Monthly online seminar series hosted by US-ATMC Director Dr. Richard Dasher and the Institute for Competitiveness’ Honorary Chairman Dr. Amit Kapoor. Guest…
Making the Pivot: Japanese start-ups are more nimble than you may think
Presented by the Japan Society of Northern CA (JSNC) in cooperation with ACCJ Pacific Time: June 11, 2023 | 4:00…
2023 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High Tech Industries
The Rise of Diversity in Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Asia: Views from Selected Economies
These sessions are open to the public to attend in-person or by Zoom. To attend by Zoom, please register at…
2023 | #TheIndiaDialog Conversation
#TheIndiaDialog Conversation: Getting to the Green Frontier: Net Zero Development Model for India
Monthly online seminar series hosted by US-ATMC Director Dr. Richard Dasher and the Institute for Competitiveness’ Honorary Chairman Dr. Amit Kapoor’s. This…
2023 US-Asia Technology Management Center Annual Meeting
US-ATMC’s 2023 Annual Meeting includes a keynote from Prof. Zhenan Bao on “Skin-Inspired Electronics: Changing the Future of Electronics”. US-ATMC Director…
2023 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High Tech Industries
Foreign Entrepreneurs in Japan: Shibuya Startup KK | Zoom-only
Shiho Watabe, CEO of Shibuya Startups KK, returns to our seminar series to give us an update on an initiative…
2023 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High Tech Industries
Japanese Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley
This week’s panel, who are based out of the bay area, will discuss how they see the situation for entrepreneurs…
Innovation Salon: Robotics, Space Lasers and the Information Super Highway: US-Japan Partnerships in the Space Sector
In the space sector, partnerships and collaboration between the US and Japan remain critically important for economic growth and national…