Health.Reconsidered Webinar


Courses & Events

Health.Reconsidered Webinar

Friday, Oct 8, 2021

07:00 am - 08:00 am

Health.Reconsidered is a global network and level playing field of passionate and inquisitive minds. Our only reason for being is to advance the debate, address the inequalities and celebrate the innovations and individuals making a difference in the field of all things ‘healthcare’.

Global panel of speakers:

Global panel of speakers includes US-ATMC Director Richard Dasher, Alice Rathjen, Co-Founder & CEO of DNA compass, Emma Booth, Executive Director of US Medical Capabilities, Louie Schwartzberg, Founder of Moving Art, and Christine Von Raesfeld, Founder and CEO, People with Empathy


More information: https://healthreconsidered.com/

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DYFIorTbSd-6aGVEf5iU6w

Free webinar, open to the public.