Affiliates Overview

Industrial Affiliates Program

Affiliates Overview

Established in 1992, as the US-Japan Technology Management Center, the US-Asia Technology Management Center (US-ATMC) is an education and research center located at Stanford University.

In September 2017 US-ATMC was approved to be an Industrial Affiliates Program.  The Industrial Affiliates Program serves as a platform for faculty and companies to discuss and explore broad research topics in a pre-competitive environment.

The US-Asia Technology Management Center Industrial Affiliates Program will use and develop open-source software, and it is the intention of US-Asia Technology Management Center Industrial Affiliates Program that any software will be released under an open source model.

About Stanford University’s Industrial Affiliates Programs: https://industrialaffiliates.stanford.edu/

University policies on Industrial Affiliates Programs: https://doresearch.stanford.edu/policies/research-policy-handbook/definitions-and-types-agreements/establishment-industrial-affiliates-and-related-membership-supported-programs

To learn more about this program, please click on the below links:

View past affiliate meetings here: https://asia.stanford.edu/us-atmc-monthly-industry-affiliates-meeting-video-recordings/