Digital Transformation and Asia’s Cooperation in the Era of Global Recession | Recording


Digital Transformation and Asia’s Cooperation in the Era of Global Recession | Recording

56th Asian Development Bank Annual Meeting: Rebounding Asia: Recover, Reconnect, and Reform in Incheon, Korea | May 2-5, 2023

US-ATMC Director Richard Dasher was invited to join a panel on Digital Transformation and Asia’s Cooperation in the Era of Global Recession during the Asian Development Bank Annual Meeting. The session was part of the Korea Seminar Day (5:00:00 mark).

Session’s speakers:Panelists seated on stage includes Dr. Richard Dasher

  • Chair: Prof. DoHoon Kim, Sogang University
  • Speaker: Sulyna Nur Abdullah, Special Advisor, International Telecommunication Union
  • Panelists:
  • Prof. Richard Dasher, US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University
  • Prof. Seung Joo Lee, Chung Ang University
  • Prof. Kyung Ryul Park, KAIST