JWIBA Summer Summit


JWIBA Summer Summit

On September 6th, JWIBA (Japanese Women’s Initiative in the Bay Area) held their 2nd annual JWIBA Summer Summit: Embrace Your Own Entrepreneurship – Connect with Silicon Valley and Take a New Step Forward at Stanford University in cooperation with the US-Asia Technology Management Center (US-ATMC).  This year’s summit’s focus was on “Entrepreneurship” and “Connection.”  The program included a keynote from “Acquiring Entrepreneurial Talent in an Era of Rapid Change” and panel discussion on “Entrepreneurship for Your Life” with Yoky Matsuoka, Executive Officer of Panasonic Holdings and Director of Panasonic Well, y on the career development of people who have lived in Silicon Valley and held a segment on “Career Transition: Diverse career examples that straddle Japan and the US and how to deal with turning points.”

The summit brought together over 200 attendees, many of them who have moved from Japan to Silicon Valley as expatriates, accompanying spouses, students studying abroad, local hires, or entrepreneurs. JWIBA’s goal was to create an opportunity for attendees to discuss their lives and careers in Silicon Valley, and expand their possibilities through the connections they made at the event.

Thank you to JETRO San Francisco, Japan Society of Northern California, NEC X, Inc. and SOMPO Digital Lab who co-sponsored the summit!

Read Nikkei’s article “Japanese women’s group in Silicon Valley proposes career support” at https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOGN071C50X00C24A9000000/.

Youtube video recording will be be made available shortly.

Join JWIBA’s facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jwiba