CANCELED: 2020 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries


Courses & Events

CANCELED: 2020 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries

Mar 31, 2020 - Jun 2, 2020

08:30 pm

Our Spring Seminar Series (Course EASTASN 402T) is canceled.  US-ATMC plans to hold a few special programs over Zoom.  Please check back for dates and details.  See our course page for speaker slides and videos from previous 402T series: https://asia.stanford.edu/course/entrepreneurship-in-asian-high-tech-industries/


Over the course of our public seminar series, we will explore the most recent trends, patterns, and challenges of entrepreneurship in Asia and their relevance to Silicon Valley and the U.S. Guest speakers include entrepreneurs, investors and mentors, and other experts on the current entrepreneurial ecosystems of major Asia economies.

Stanford students may register through Axess in course EASTASN 402T (cross listed as EE 402T and EALC 402T) for 1 unit seminar credit.

Instructor: Richard Dasher <rdasher [at] stanford [dot] edu>
Course Assistant: Sijia Mao <sijiamao [at] stanford [dot] edu>


Course Schedule

Apr 07

WEBINAR – Different Models? Entrepreneurship in Asia and Silicon Valley

Dr. Robert Eberhart
Visiting Assistant Professor, GSB, Stanford University
David Lee
Angel Investor / Venture Capitalist / Startup Advisor (ex-Google)
Dr. Edward Rubesch
Professor & Program Director, Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurship Center, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) [from Bangkok]
Dr. Richard Dasher