Growing Sustainability Opportunities in Asia: Trends in Angel Investing


Courses & Events

Growing Sustainability Opportunities in Asia: Trends in Angel Investing

Thursday, Nov 17, 2022

05:30 pm - 07:00 pm

Angel investor Mark Inkster will share Asia Sustainability Angels’ story, discuss the opportunities he sees related to sustainability for angel investors in Asia, and what makes the role of angel investors in this startup ecosystem distinctive.  He’ll also introduce Clearbot and its Co-Founder, Sidhant Gupta, and explain why his angel investor group backed the startup.  Clearbot builds autonomous electric boats that are fully self-driving, 0 emission, solar chargeable and have a range of up to 20km. The robotic boats have been used for marine cleanup of oil and can clear as much as 1 metric ton of garbage daily.  They’ve also been deployed for use in marine inspections and even cargo movement.

The series begins September 29, 2022 and continues weekly until December 1, 2022. Seminars will be held Thursdays, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM.

Instructor: Richard Dasher <rdasher [at] stanford [dot] edu>

The series is available to Stanford students for credit; register for EASTASN 402A “Topics in International Technology Management,” also cross-listed as EE-402A and EALC-402A, 1 unit S/NC.

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Our seminars are being offered in a hybrid format.

To attend online, please register in advance for the entire series at <https://stanford.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rd–vqzkvGdAJZ5KIFXD116WMknMIg-Z5>.  The same link will be used for all sessions.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting series.

To attend in-person, please register in advance at <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/growing-sustainability-opportunities-in-asia-trends-in-angel-investing-tickets-451184453847>.  Public is welcome on a first come, first served basis.  Per university guidelines, face coverings will be required inside the auditorium.


  • Stanford University, Paul G. Allen Building, Allen 101X Auditorium, 330 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]

Parking options:

  • Via Ortega Garage, 498 Via Ortega, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]
  • Parking Structure 5, 295 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305 [Google Map]
  • Please check parking signs carefully to ensure that permitted parking and metered spaces are free after 4:00 pm.

Session Recordings are typically posted within 3 business days after each session.


Sidhant Gupta

Co-Founder, Clearbot

Sidhant Gupta builds businesses that use robotics to solve the world’s biggest problems. He is the founder of Vayu Project & Clear Robotics (Open Ocean Camera, Clearbot).

Over the past few years, he has spoken at TEDx, published 3 research papers, broken a Guinness world record (world’s fastest robotic fish), and built businesses that are backed by venture groups in Asia such as Asia Sustainability Angels, Razer, and Alibaba.

Mark Inkster

Co-Founder, Asia Sustainability Angels

Mark has built leading Internet businesses outside of the US since the late 1990s, mostly in Asia. After an early career at HP and Bain in Silicon Valley, he joined Yahoo! in 1999 and led the launch of Yahoo! sites around the world. Mark saw the opportunity in Chinese e-commerce relatively early and joined eBay Eachnet – at the time the number one e-commerce company in China – in 2003 as Chief Product Officer. His two year expat assignment has now extended to over 15 years in Asia, where he founded a “web 2.0” startup in Shanghai, ran Microsoft’s online business in SE Asia, led Vistaprint’s expansion into global emerging markets and helped Aegon create and invest in some of Asia’s leading Insuretech companies. Now Mark is focused on helping young companies with strong sustainability missions grow.


Seminar Slides

Slides from the seminar are available in a variety of formats for you to download. Click the links below to open or download the slide files.


Seminar Video