Courses & Events
Here you can find a chronological listing of all of our past public seminars and events. For future and upcoming events, please visit the Upcoming Page under Courses and Events.
2017 | The Rise of Commercial Space Businesses in Asia
Satellite Enabled IoT Connectivity by an Australian Start-Up
Flavia Tata Nardini CEO at Fleet Space Technologies Fleet Space Technologies, an Australian space startup company, is building a network of nanosatellites to…
2017 | The Rise of Commercial Space Businesses in Asia
Mars Shot: India Reshaping the Global Space Landscape
Susmita Mohanty CEO at Earth2Orbit
2017 | The Rise of Commercial Space Businesses in Asia
Japanese Space Startups for the Future: The Vision of Axelspace
Yuya Nakamura President and CEO at Axelspace Corporation
2017 | The Rise of Commercial Space Businesses in Asia
On the Business Implications of Google’s Lunar XPRIZE
Ryutaro Ichikawa Global Business Development Manager at ispace & Rahul Narayan Founder of TeamIndus
2017 | The Rise of Commercial Space Businesses in Asia
Overview – The Evolution of Commercial Space Businesses: Is Now the Time for Asia?
Rick Giarrusso Founder and Managing Director at Finance Technology Leverage LLC Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom Co-Founder and Senior Consultant, International Space Consultants.
Stanford US-ATMC Partner Programs & Affiliate Events
July 28, 2017 | Japan-US Innovation Awards Symposium at Stanford University Friday, July 28, 2017 | 1:30 – 6:30 pm Japan-U.S.…
2017 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries
Entrepreneurship in China – Ecosystems beyond Shanghai and Beijing
2017 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries
Entrepreneurship between S. Korea and Silicon Valley: My Story as a [Korean Woman] Entrepreneur
YoonJin Chang Co Founder & Director of Business Development LifeSite
2017 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries
Recent Trends in the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in India
Vish Mishra Venture Director Clearstone Venture Partners US-ATMC Director Richard Dasher engages Vish in an interactive discussion about what’s going on…
2017 | Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries
Entrepreneurship in the Boardroom: Changing the World through Innovative Advising and Investing
Large Japanese firms have been increasing the number of outside board directors in recent years, but the expectation often appears…