Nick Sugimoto, CEO of Honda Innovations, visits US-ATMC
Thank you to guest speaker Nick Sugimoto, CEO of Honda Innovations, who gave our affiliate members a highly useful look at strategic management of open innovation at a recent meeting. Mr. Sugimoto discussed how Honda Innovations makes open innovation work on an international scale, and the challenges and solutions to having successful relationships between innovation groups in Silicon Valley and headquarters in Japan.
From left to right: Nick Sugimoto and US-ATMC Director Dr. Richard Dasher
From left to right: Hiroyuki Ito, Kyoko Yoshida, Shinichi Ogawa, Dr. Michiko Ashizawa, Nick Sugimoto and Dr. Richard Dasher
From left to right: Hiroyuki Ito, Kyoko Yoshida, Shinichi Ogawa, Hiroaki Kaneko, Nick Sugimoto and Dr. Richard Dasher